Today, as I attended the memorial service for a dear friend and mentor, I was reminded that love is a verb.
Through tears, her daughter delivered a eulogy that resonated with this mantra, describing how her mother embodied this philosophy in every action. My friend was an activist, mentor, and advocate for her community. Even while battling cancer, she showed up for others in profound and beautifully simple ways—dropping off small treats, meeting for coffee to strategize, or attending yet another meeting because she understood it mattered. Her love wasn’t just felt; it was visible.
A Legacy of Showing Up
Election night was the last time I saw her. Despite her exhaustion and pain, she attended a watch party. It was a heartbreaking night for democracy and our rights, yet she understood the importance of being together. Looking back, I wonder if she realized it would be the final time our group gathered in her presence. That evening, her presence reminded us that love means showing up even in the most challenging moments. Her life was a testament to perseverance and love, rooted in the belief that love will always prevail, even in the face of persecution or hate. Her unwavering commitment to others planted seeds of hope and resilience in all of us fortunate enough to know her.
Love and Activism: My Journey
Her example resonated deeply with me. Like her, I have always believed that true spirituality reflects how we care for others, especially the most vulnerable. I remember sitting in my zero-period leadership class as a high school student, watching in horror as planes struck the Twin Towers. My heart ached that day, but my sadness turned to outrage as I saw then-President George W. Bush exploit the tragedy to justify an unnecessary war in the Middle East.
I couldn’t sit idly by. I channeled my energy into action—founding my high school’s Young Democrats club, staging sit-ins, and traveling to San Francisco for anti-war protests. Holding spray-painted signs reading “What Would Jesus Do?” and chalking “No Blood for Oil” on my car, I connected with people who shared my values and weren’t afraid to stand up for them.
In college, I carried that passion forward. I founded another Young Democrats club, joined the Gay-Straight Alliance, and participated in bold acts of resistance in my Guerrilla Theatre class. To some, these actions seemed radical. To me, they were essential. How could I ignore injustice when it was staring me in the face? Over the years, I’ve marched in protests, written countless heartfelt letters to my representatives and local editors, and stood in solidarity with my LGBTQ+, Black, women, and immigrant friends—even advocating for the health of our planet. These acts, big and small, are my way of demonstrating love in action.

Spirituality as a Call to Justice
Growing up Catholic, I was introduced to the Beatitudes early in life. These blessings served as a moral compass, teaching us to uplift the poor in spirit, practice mercy and forgiveness, and champion peace in a divided world. They taught me that spirituality isn’t just a personal journey; it’s a collective responsibility.
Some argue that focusing on negativity amplifies it, suggesting we should raise the planet’s vibration by tuning into love and positivity. While I understand this sentiment, I recognize the danger in ignoring the shadows. True spirituality calls us to confront the world as it is. Genuine light work isn’t about pretending the shadows don’t exist but about illuminating them. Just as a wound cannot heal if ignored, injustice, inequality, and suffering can’t disappear if left unaddressed.
Acknowledging these realities isn’t amplifying negativity; it’s creating space for accountability and meaningful change.

Empowering Love in Action
Love is not just a feeling—it’s something we do. Love becomes a transformative force for justice, compassion, and healing when expressed through action. To create meaningful change, we must align our values with our actions, even in small but intentional ways.
Here are some practical tools to help you embody love in action every day:
Start Small, But Be Intentional: Identify one cause or issue that resonates deeply with you—supporting marginalized communities, advocating for environmental justice, or helping those in need. Take one step toward contributing to that cause, whether volunteering, donating, or amplifying voices that need to be heard. Each small act creates ripples of positive change.
Build Bridges of Connection: Connection strengthens the impact of our actions. Join a local organization, attend community events, or participate in grassroots initiatives that align with your values. Engaging with others who share your vision fosters a sense of collective purpose and reminds you that you’re not alone in your efforts.
Be a Voice for Change: Your voice matters more than you realize. Speak up when you witness injustice or inequality. Whether through a conversation with a friend, writing a letter to your representative, or sharing a post on social media, your words can inspire others and influence change. Advocacy doesn’t always require a megaphone—sometimes, it starts with one honest conversation.
Practice Compassion in the Everyday: Look for opportunities to show love and kindness in the simplest of interactions. Offer a helping hand to someone in need, show patience in a stressful moment, or express genuine gratitude to those who impact your life. These small, everyday gestures reinforce the habit of love in action and create a ripple effect in your community.
Educate and Reflect: Take time to learn about the struggles and experiences of others. Read books, listen to podcasts, or attend events that deepen your understanding of the issues affecting your community and beyond. As you grow in awareness, reflect on how your actions can align more closely with your values.
Amplify the Voices of Others: Not everyone has the platform or privilege to be heard. Use your voice to uplift those who might otherwise be silenced. Share their stories, support their work, and stand in solidarity with their struggles. By amplifying others, you contribute to a collective movement rooted in love and justice.
Commit to Consistency: Love in action isn’t about grand gestures—it’s about showing up consistently. Commit to small, manageable acts of love that align with your values and integrate them into your daily life. Whether it’s a weekly volunteer shift, a monthly donation, or regular acts of kindness, consistency builds momentum for change.
An Invitation to Act with Love
This year, I’ve committed to supporting others in ways that align with my deepest values—messy, imperfect, and vulnerable as they may be. Through reflection, I’ve realized that love, when expressed through action, is a force that can inspire change and create a ripple effect in the world around us.
Please take a moment to reflect on your values and how they align with your actions. Ask yourself:
How can my actions reflect the world I wish to create? What small choices can you make today—like shopping locally, helping a neighbor, or volunteering—that move the needle toward a better world?
What fears or doubts are holding me back from making a difference? What stories or insecurities keep you from showing up? Recognize them, honor them, and then gently move through them.
What small step can I take today to demonstrate love through action? Can you reach out to someone who needs support? Stand up for an issue you care about. Take a step, however small, to connect your values with your actions.
Together, we can turn apathy into action, isolation into connection, and fear into courage. Let’s honor the individuals in our lives who embody love as an action by following their example. Remember, the light we shine doesn’t just illuminate our path—it brightens the way for others, encouraging them to embrace their power and purpose.
So, let’s take one small step today. Let’s make it meaningful. The world needs the love and light that only you can provide.
John, thanks for writing so thoughtfully about the necessary (and too often avoided) intersection between spirituality and progressive activism. The times call for the balancing of compassion and speaking truth to power. (Like the good bishop did the other day.) Let’s stand together and make our voices heard. Let’s have faith that justice and love will prevail.